
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Whats brown, pink and full of magical things?!

Sometimes, I can't think of a title for my posts so I simply type the first thing that comes to my mind.  Perhaps I shouldn't do such things?!

Okay, on to the important stuff. Have you ever heard of Birchbox?! This is probably going to come off a little "advertisey", but trust me when I say birchbox has not slipped me any mulah under the table to share my false love for their product! However, they did send me a box chalk full of the latest and greatest beauty and lifestyle products and it was just to good NOT to share.

Best thing about this...I never even knew any of these products existed until this heavenly box was delivered to my doorstep. The mascara is amazing! Subscribers get a box full of fun little things each month! Now tell me this isn't a girls dream?!

So there ya have it, my new discovery.
Oh, and I love their bright pink packaging...such a nice touch!

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  1. I've heard of this before. It sounds so cool & fun. Getting a little package of goodies in the mail once a month would be AMAZING.

    Flounces & Hubbub

  2. And usually the boxes are much better than this!! So you should definitely stick with them, you'll love the fun of getting them each month!

    --- Mary

  3. It sounds like they have some great goodies. I hope to try Birchbox in the near future.

  4. I love getting different mascaras in there! I've definitely found some new products from getting Birchbox every month.


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